Monday, July 28, 2008

Our Story: Part 4

This 4th post will catch us up to date. Beginning late May/early June, the youngest member of our family began the journey with us. Emily (4yo) just had to do TKD with her Dad & brothers. So, I told her she had to first learn the Tenets of TKD & the Student oath.......thinking this would stall her (of course I was wrong). With the help of her brothers, she knocked that wall over in a week or two.

Emily now joins us in training. She smiles all the time.


This passed Friday night we all tested for new ranks. What a gift it was to see my three young'ns doing their TKD thang.....LOL

The Boys got to do their pattern together & then by the luck of the draw had to spar each other.

7-25-08 Dalton kicks tyler

Emily did a fine job for a first timer. Especially being the youngest in the testing groups. Check out that block.

7-25-08 Emily Chon-Ji

And how about this yell......LOL! Cutest thing ever. 7-25-08 Emily Striking combo

I had the good fortune to spar one of the 3rd Degrees, Mr Foster (he's a dadgum good Martial Artist). Boy did he put it on me, but hey, I did get in a this one good shot. ;-)

7-25-08 Chris strikes Mr Foster

In the end the best moment was watching each of my children earn & recieve their next Rank! Purple for the boys & me, and Yellow for the little one! WoooooHooo!

7-25-08 Denson's new rank

This was one Proud moment, I tell ya!

Till the next time I leave you with this quote I was recently told by a mighty fine fella (Nick Braaksma) " The family that kicks together, sticks together!"

Peace Ya'll!

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