Our night kicked off as Dalton tried to help the old man loosen up:
Emily started things off perfectly by doing her Green Belt Pattern- Won-Hyo pattern the best she has ever done:
Then Dalton & Tyler performed the Joong-Gun Blue Belt Pattern flawlessly. I had a hard act to follow, but tried my best:
Then Came Sparring. Emily was first and boy did she give her best effort!
Got Knocked Down___Got Right back up and went at it
The boys were next up sparring and they left it all out on the floor. Spinning techniques, high kicks, reverse punches...man I tell ya it was like Fists of Fury?!
Dalton enjoyed sparring (the telling smile)
Tyler by contrast took it serious

- Emily moved from Green to Purple Belt.
- Dalton, Tyler & I all moved from Advanced Blue to Brown belts.
I follow the boys to complete my pattern: