TKD has truly helped us bond. Nothing like learning, sweating, and earning together. Emily Grace's kicks have improved tremendously over the course of the last couple of weeks. Her balance, height and power is getting better each week and it is cool to be apart of. We hit the pads at home a couple of days a week (just me & her) in addition to the classes and she seems to really enjoy the one on one time.
Dalton & I have added circuit weight training to our mornings. T-man is not so into joining us ;-) but he does get up a couple of times a week and join us for patterns, so that's cool. This extra work is an attempt to be more healthy and active.
Our training plan is as follows-
- Mon-Wed-Fri: up @ 6am for 30-45 weight training in a circuit (20 reps per expercise) followed by going thru our 6 patterns 3-5 times.
- Tues-Th-Sat: up @ 6am HIIT program for running. Run 1/4 mile 85%, then walk 1/4, & repeat cycle 3 times. The program calls for adding 1 cycle every 2-3 weeks......huh, guess we'll see how that works out?!
We started the running program September 29th and last week it was time for us to add the weight cycle. So far this weight & running program has enabled me to lose 10 lbs and that's a good thing (only 30 more to lose). Unfortunately, my right knee has been non-stop nagging at me (never had knee problems until now) and I am truly feeling my age. And Yes, it stinks to admit that. Hoping this bad boy heals up soon.
Until the next time, I wish all Peace & happiness!