Monday, August 11, 2008

What had happenned was......

Well tonight did not work out quite the way we planned. We missed TKD tonight, but did get to visit the local Medical facility. As Mrs Wiggins (one of our TKD Instructors) says "What had happened was": Dalton (11 yo) was riding his bike this afternoon without a helmet (against house rules) & bounced his head of the driveway. He didn't want to tell Mom/Dad and get in trouble, so he tried to hide it.

Well that worked for about an hour,
until his head hurt him too bad,
told Mom he had headache (not telling her why),
Mom give's him some IBprofen,
then Mom caught him cry'n in his room (something he doesn't do),
he finally confessed "what had happenned"
showed her the big ole knot on his left temple
stated he felt weird & that his head hasn't stopped hurting,
and then shortly there after he started throwing up..........

Of course we headed right to the Hospital. He was thoroughly checked out (CT & other tests) and was released 3.5 hrs later. Diagnosis is he'll be sore and may have some light headedness, may have suffered a mild concussion but he will be okay.

We are relieved of course, but it was quite the ride.

The upside is a mere kick to a padded head should pale in comparison to the whallop that the concrete provided?! Hopefully we will get back on track tomorrow!!
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