Emily Grace is now on Dan-Gun (Yellow belt pattern)

The three of us boys have Yul-Gok.

Also, our striking combinations have additions.
As a Yellow Belt, Emily now has 2 kicks and 2 punches in each combination:
*Round Kick, Round Kick, Reverse Punch, Front Punch
*Hook kick, Round Kick, Reverse Punch, Front Punch
*Side kick, Round kick, Reverse Punch, Front Punch.
She is trying her best to do these kicks with out falling....one thing she does is Ki-Hap (Yell). Makes me smile everytime.
Last night our class was introduced to new spin techniques. As we (Dalton, Tyler & Me) practiced our new spinning techniques, I found that I was 100% consistant. Let me explain, as compared to the rest of the class; I spinned slower, missed the target more and got tired quicker than the youngsters in the Family class. Ah the joy of being an out of shape, not so agile old dude trying to keep up with younger, more agile and more energetic folks. All was not lost tho, I did kinda get it by the end of class. The boys, well they caught on quicker and executed the moves very nicely! They do make me smile.
Well, I'm gonna go run thru the new patterns while the kids are off playing.......don't want them to get too far ahead of me.
Until the next time, I wish peace & joy to each of you.