Thursday, July 31, 2008
Selfish behavior
Then in a pathetic attempt to win them back over this evening, I created a few short YouTube clips (and the kids picked out the music) of all of us during our first TKD Tourney some months back in Missippi. Been procrastinating doing this, so no time better than the present. Guess I am hoping this helps to make my apology real for them. Dad is really Sorry gang!
Anyway, I have posted the clips on the right side of this blog and hope you enjoy them as much as we did. Yes, I did a couple of ones for myself too.......and they are shameless!
Hopefully, tomorrow things will get back on track.
Oh Boy New Patterns
Emily Grace is now on Dan-Gun (Yellow belt pattern)

The three of us boys have Yul-Gok.

Also, our striking combinations have additions.
As a Yellow Belt, Emily now has 2 kicks and 2 punches in each combination:
*Round Kick, Round Kick, Reverse Punch, Front Punch
*Hook kick, Round Kick, Reverse Punch, Front Punch
*Side kick, Round kick, Reverse Punch, Front Punch.
She is trying her best to do these kicks with out thing she does is Ki-Hap (Yell). Makes me smile everytime.
Last night our class was introduced to new spin techniques. As we (Dalton, Tyler & Me) practiced our new spinning techniques, I found that I was 100% consistant. Let me explain, as compared to the rest of the class; I spinned slower, missed the target more and got tired quicker than the youngsters in the Family class. Ah the joy of being an out of shape, not so agile old dude trying to keep up with younger, more agile and more energetic folks. All was not lost tho, I did kinda get it by the end of class. The boys, well they caught on quicker and executed the moves very nicely! They do make me smile.
Well, I'm gonna go run thru the new patterns while the kids are off playing.......don't want them to get too far ahead of me.
Until the next time, I wish peace & joy to each of you.
Monday, July 28, 2008
Our Story: Part 4
Emily now joins us in training. She smiles all the time.
This passed Friday night we all tested for new ranks. What a gift it was to see my three young'ns doing their TKD thang.....LOL
The Boys got to do their pattern together & then by the luck of the draw had to spar each other.
Emily did a fine job for a first timer. Especially being the youngest in the testing groups. Check out that block.
And how about this yell......LOL! Cutest thing ever.
I had the good fortune to spar one of the 3rd Degrees, Mr Foster (he's a dadgum good Martial Artist). Boy did he put it on me, but hey, I did get in a this one good shot. ;-)
In the end the best moment was watching each of my children earn & recieve their next Rank! Purple for the boys & me, and Yellow for the little one! WoooooHooo!
This was one Proud moment, I tell ya!
Till the next time I leave you with this quote I was recently told by a mighty fine fella (Nick Braaksma) " The family that kicks together, sticks together!"
Peace Ya'll!
Our Story: Part 3
The Denson Family competed in our first TKD Tourney Saturday, 4-12-08. This was a great experience for us and I am very proud of the boys results.
Tyler- 9-10 yo Divison 1st Place in Forms
Dalton- 11-12yo Division 2nd Place in Forms & 3rd Place Striking combos
Chris- Adult non-BB 1st in Forms, Combos, & Point Sparring (non-BB)
Our Story: Part 2
We all passed from Yellow belt to Orange belt. I could not have been more impressed with the boys poise and calmness during the testing.
Next up, our first TKD Tournament in April. We worked very hard to learn our new pattern. I admit we were a little anxious, but was more than willing to try. Noy do I gotta get serious about conditioning and losing this big ole belly.
Our Story: Part 1
I will break our beginning into a few parts. So, here is Part 1:
We are a family with 5 kids. As the older kids grew up, I realized that we drifted apart as they got older due to no real common ground. In an effort to find some common ground with the younger kids, we began to search for something we all wanted to do. Martial Arts was just the ticket.
My two boys Dalton (11) and Tyler (9) thought it would be great if we started our Martial Arts journey together and we found a great facility with fantastic Instructors in December of 2007. Our facilty is Tae Kwon Do- USA. Truthfully, I was a bit apprehensive going into the first class, because I was the only adult in the Family class (it was full of children). But my kids seemed so pleased to have me there, that I soon got over that. In fact, now there are a few more parents who have joined their children in the Family class. We also attend the Adult class to complete our training.
We trained together for 8 weeks (usually 2 sessions, 4 days a week) before we tested on our first Pattern and kick/punch combos for Yellow Belt. To say we were excited is not enough......nervous, jumpy, jacked, etc. One of our lead Instructor's (Mrs Wiggins) called the three of us our together to do our first pattern (Chon-Ji) as a unit. It was a blast. My wife took pictures, my three year old little girl clapped & cheered, and miraculously, the three of us did our pattern together from beginning to end. What a moment!!
Watching my boys kick & punch and then recieve their belts was one of the Proudest moments of my life! We are determined to achieve each level together until we reach Black Belt! What a journey this is and will continue to be! My little girl was just chomping at the bit to join us and she got too soon enough!
I urge all families to do this together. You'll have a blast and grow closer than you can imagine possible.